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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on the So-called "Participation" of Taiwan in the United Nations
2005-08-15 00:00

On August 12, instigated by the Taiwan authorities, Chad and a handful of other countries wrote to the UN Secretary-General, requesting the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly to list the proposal on "Taiwan's representation in the UN" and a proposal on "maintaining the peace across the Taiwan Straits" onto the supplementary agenda. The nature of the two proposals is that the Taiwan authorities continue to clamor for "two Chinas", "one China, one Taiwan" and "Taiwan Independence" in the international community and intends to cause tension in the situation across the Taiwan Straits. This has violated the UN Charter and is unpopular and bound to fail.

Since 1993, the General Committee of the UN General Assembly has refused for 12 consecutive years to add the proposals on the so-called Taiwan's "participation" in the UN into the General Assembly's agenda. It has fully demonstrated that the international community shares a universal consensus on the question: there is only one China in the world and Taiwan, as a part of China, is not qualified to join in any name or manner the United Nations, which is composed of sovereign countries. The UN Charter and the UN Resolution 2758 must be respected and safeguarded.

It serves the fundamental interest of all Chinese people, including the Taiwan compatriots, to realize peaceful reunification of our motherland. The Chinese Government has been striving for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost efforts and sincerity. We have consistently maintained to resume dialogue and negotiation across the Straits on the basis of the one China principle and safeguard peace and stability across the Straits. As is known to all, we actively made exchanges of major significance across the Straits this year and promoted exchanges in trade, economic and cultural fields, which have eased the tension across the Straits and moved the cross-Strait relations towards peace and stability. If only the Taiwan authorities recognized the one China principle, the cross-Strait dialogue and negotiation could be resumed immediately.

However, the Taiwan authorities disregard our sincerity, obstinately stick to its splittist stance of seeking "Taiwan independence", continuously hinder development of cross-Strait relations and wantonly carried out splittist activities. All of this threats China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and constitutes the largest obstacle to the development of cross-Strait relations and the biggest threat to the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits. Instead of giving up the splittist activities for "Taiwan independence", the Taiwan authorities advanced a "proposal on maintaining the peace across the Taiwan Straits", which completely confused the right and wrong. The Taiwan authorities have to thoroughly abandon the position of "Taiwan independence" and stop all splittist activities for Taiwan independence. Only in that way, peace and stability across the straits could be fundamentally guaranteed.

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