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Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue's Remarks on Vanuatuan Announcement of Repealing so-called "Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Vanuatu and Taiwan"
2004-11-12 00:00

On November 10th,the Vanuatuan Government made an statement that its Council of Ministers had passed a resolution on repealing the so-called "Vanuatuan-Taiwan Communiqué of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations" signed in Taipei on November 3. The Vanuatuan government reiterates that it abides by the No.2758 resolution of UN General Assembly and firmly pursues the one-China policy it committed to in the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Vanuatu and China signed in 1982, in which Vanuatu recognizes there is but one China, Taiwan is a province of China, the government of People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government on behalf of the whole China, the Vanuatuan government will not go into any form of political links with Taiwan.

The Chinese government expresses appreciation about this statement of the Vanuatuan government. Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, the government of People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole China. This is a universal consensus recognized by over 160 countries including Vanuatu in the world and all important international organizations including the UN. The fact has borne out again that the Taiwan authority's scheme of splitting the motherland has neither popularity nor future.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to China-Vanuatu relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 22 years ago, the two sides have been steadily expanding exchanges and cooperation in all fields. Developing friendly and cooperative relations between China and Vanuatu serves the long-term and fundamental interests of both countries and the peoples of both sides. The Chinese government is ready to join hands with the Vanuatuan side to promote increasingly greater progress in our bilateral friendly and cooperative relations on the basis of five principles of peaceful coexistence.

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