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Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue's Comment on Japan's New Outline for National Defense
2004-12-14 00:00

Q: Recently, Japan formulated a new Outline for National Defense, which made major readjustments on Japan's military and security strategy, including its overseas military operations. The outline also alleges that a close watch should be kept on China's military modernization and expanded maritime activities. What comment does China have on this?

A: We express our deep concern over the major readjustments of Japan's military and security strategy and the possible impacts arising thereof. Due to historical reasons, the developments in Japan's military and security have always been a very sensitive issue. We hope the Japanese side to take full account of the concerns of the people in its neighboring countries in Asia. It should stay on the path of development through peace and behave with prudence on the military and security issue, so as to maintain the peace and stability in this region.

Japan publicly plays up the so-called "China's threat" in its official documents. It is completely groundless and extremely irresponsible. China expresses its strong dissatisfaction at this. We hope the Japanese side to make more efforts in the benefit of the stronger mutual trust between our two sides and the healthy and steady development of our relations.

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