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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on the Annual US-Taiwan Defense Conference
2004-10-11 00:00

Q: It is reported that the United States and Taiwan recently held an annual US-Taiwan Defense Conference in Arizona, during which US Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Richard Lawless urged Taiwan to approve a special budget for a US arms deal at an early date. What's your comment on this?

A: The United States persisted on holding such a conference with Taiwan, regardless of China's firm opposition, and the US official highlighted the so-called military threat from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan and went all out to urge Taiwan to purchase weapons from the US. China expresses strong indignation for the recent convening of the "US-Taiwan defense conference" in the United States. China expresses its strong indignation and has lodged "solemn representation" to the United States, he said.

It has to be pointed out that such a conference and the language Lawless used seriously violated the commitment reiterated many times by the US Government and leaders to adhere to the one-China policy, follow the three Sino-US Joint Communiques and oppose "Taiwan Independence". This practice gave impetus to the adventure of the pro-independence forces in taiwan, and is greatly harmful for the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.

China strongly urges the United States to recognize the danger of its "wrong practice," and eliminate the negative effects of this practice. It should stop military ties with Taiwan, cut off arms sales to Taiwan and avoid sending wrong signals to the pro-Independence forces in Taiwan, so as to avoid damaging the relations and cooperation between China and the US.

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