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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhang Qiyue's Comment on the International Conference on the Iraqi Issue
2004-11-25 00:00

Q: What's China's comment on the international conference on the Iraqi issue held in Egypt?

A: At the just-concluded international conference on the Iraqi issue, consensus was reached on such questions as promoting Iraq's political process, helping Iraq restore stability and strengthening the role of the UN. The conference was a success, which showed the support from the international community for the peace of Iraq. For the next step, the international community should strive to materialize the consensus of the conference.

China has been actively participating in the process of Iraq's reconstruction. Chinese Special Envoy Wang Guangya, Permanent Representative to the UN Wang Guangya, led the Chinese delegation at the conference, and played a constructive role for its success. The Chinese side is earnestly honoring its commitment on aids to Iraq, including the USD one million-worth aids in kind for Iraq's election, training diplomats and professionals in the fields of economic management and energy development.

We expect a peaceful, stable and democratic Iraq to return to the international family. China is ready to make efforts with all parties to facilitate the proper settlement of the Iraq issue.

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