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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Comment on the Resumption of the Six Party Talks
2005-09-02 00:00

Q: It is reported that the DPRK has said that the second phase of the fourth round of the Six Party Talks could be held in the week beginning on September 12. The U S side also said that they are ready for the resumption of the Talks. What comments does the Chinese side have on that? The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei said on August 29 that "the date of resumption does not matter". Does that mean that the date for the resumption of the second phase Talks has yet to be determined?

A: Since the recess of the fourth round of the Six Party Talks began, in order to enlarge consensus and reduce differences, the parties concerned have maintained close dialogue and consultations, so that progress might be made when the Talks resumes. That is also an important part of the process of the Talks, very important to enhancing mutual understanding. As for a specific date for the resumption of the second phase Talks, the Chinese side is coordinating with other parties concerned on that issue. We would make an official announcement at a due time.

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