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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan Answers the Questions on the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks of the Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula
2005-07-21 00:00

The fourth round of the Six-Party Talks will be held in Beijing soon. Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan answered the related questions raised by the press.

Regarding the duration and the agenda of the Talks, Kong Quan said, the fourth round of the Six-Party Talks will be held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on July 26. The opening ceremony will begin at 9 am the same day. The duration of the Talks will be decided according to the development of the Talks, and we will respect the will of all parties. The detailed agenda of the Talks is still under consultation between us and other parties.

Regarding the composition of each delegation, Kong Quan said, the head of the Chinese delegation will be Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei. According to the information from other parties, the head of the DPRK delegation will be Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan. The US delegation will be headed by Assistant Secretary of State Hill, the Russian delegation by Deputy Foreign Minister Alexeyev, the ROK delegation by Deputy Foreign Minister Song Min-soon, and the Japanese delegation by Kenichiro Sasae, Director-General of the Asia and Oceanian Affairs Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry.

When answering the question what new suggestions the Chinese side is going to bring forward, Kong Quan said, as a member state and the host country of the Talks, China will join the coordination and discussions with all parties concerned on the peaceful solution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula with a serious and responsible attitude, pushing forward the Talks to proceed smoothly with substantial achievements.

As to whether the parties of the Talks are going to reach any documents in written form, Kong Quan said, we hope this round of the Talks will proceed smoothly with achievements. This is also the common wish of all participating parties as well as the international community. Whether any written document is to be reached during the Talks will be decided after the Talks begin. We hope all participating parties to take a constructive attitude, continue to display flexibility and sincerity, and make joint unremitting efforts for the progress of the Talks and the final peaceful solution of the nuclear issue.

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