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Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Remarks on China's Issuence of the Position Paper on the UN Reform
2005-06-10 00:00

Q: China issued its position paper on the UN reform on June 7. Why does China issue the position paper at this moment?

A: This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the UN. The summit will also be held in this September. China supports the reform of the UN as well as a stronger role of the UN and multilateralism, so as to better address the global threat and challenges.

The reform of the UN is all-rounded and covers many fields. To take a package settlement will not help to bring positive achievements in the UN reform at an early date. The reform measures which can draw consensus could be implemented as soon as possible. Those which are difficult to agree upon need further discussion with prudence so as to narrow differences.

China's position paper on the issue of the UN reform fully elaborated upon China's views and propositions on the UN reform in all fields. The Chinese side will participate in the discussion on relevant issues at the UN General Assembly with an active and constructive attitude, and make joint efforts with all sides to push the UN to seize the opportunity of the summit in September, so as to make as many achievements on the issue of UN reform as possible, and facilitate the UN to make greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.
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